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Direct Response Marketing Features and How Techniques

Direct response marketing is a type of marketing method that is geared towards evoking immediate response and compel prospects to take some specific action like opting in to your email list, calling you for more information, making orders or visiting your web page.

Characteristics of a Direct Response Marketing

It can Be Tracked
When someone responds, you can identify the ad and media was responsible for generating that response. This is different with social media or brand marketing where no one will ever know what ad moved you to buy that product.

It is Measurable
As you know how many advertisments are being responded to and how many sales you have received from each one, you can easily measure how effective each ad is. You can the drop or change any advertisements that are not providing any returns on investment.

Direct response marketing uses a compelling message of strong interest to your selected prospects. It utilizes attention drawing headline with persuasive sales copy that is salesmanship print. Mostly the ad looks like an editorial than an advertisement thus making it three times more likely to get read.

It has a Specific Offer
The ad usually makes specific value-packed offer. The aim is not always to sell anything from the ad but to simply get the prospect to take the next action such as requesting a free report.

It is Response Demanding
In most instances, direct response advertising has a call to action compelling the prospect to do something specific. It also includes a means of responding and capture of these responses.

Techniques for Direct Response Marketing
Make it Easy
All direct response marketing techniques must reduce the barriers to response. Clearly define what your consumer needs to do so as to respond to your marketing. Offer numerous ways in which they can respond and spell them out simply and often.

Include Giveaways
Pople love to get something for free. In addition to your products and services, include a freebie such as a sample, newsletter, booklet or free webinar. Assign this extra product or service a money value, so that consumers can quantify what they are being offered for free. This is an extra inducement to value-oriented consumers who would otherwise be undecided about responding.

Specify your Results
You must include statistics on the success of your product. Emphasize on positive results and highlight the popularity of your product. Many consumers like the sense of reassurance offered by this as they feel that other customers have enjoyed the product they are thinking of buying.

Time Limit
Create some sense of urgency around your ad or message. Note the discount price offer and explain it is good only for a limited period. This way you have help your clients make a decisions and stop procrastinating.

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