Best Place to Start When Choosing a Custom Home Lot

You may have heard it a million times – location! Location! Location! This is true when it comes to choosing the lot where you will be building your home. Obviously, there is an array of factors to take into consideration when picking a lot, which is all personal. The key is to hire a Victoria BC custom home builder as they can help you choose the best lot and see things you wouldn’t normally see.

If they are stressing you out, don’t worry, below are a few key points to help you decide the perfect lot for your dream home.

When you are looking for the right piece of land for your home, here are some things to consider before you sign on the bottom line to purchase your lot:

Grading and Clearing

Grading and clearing can get a big chunk from your budget, so make sure to get a clear estimate of possible costs to avoid unwanted surprises.

Community Restrictions

You may want to have an amazing view from your second storey master bedroom; however, there are community restrictions that may prevent you from having that second storey room you’ve wanted such as certain height requirements. So ensure to have a full understanding of the local and neighbourhood ordinances and requirements.

Wildlife Permits

If your chosen area is near wildlife, it is important that building codes and permits must follow restrictions made to promote wildlife protection. This varies depending on the area, so it is imperative to know about time and cost involving such restrictions.

Although many realtors have some ideas for building custom homes, it is essential to hire a professional builder before signing the purchase papers. If you haven’t hired a builder or architect, you can still ask for one to help and guide you regarding choosing the right lot.

Planning for your dream home is exhilarating; however, you must be wise in making decisions. Take into consideration where you will construct your new home and make sure to work with professionals like Christopher Developments to find the right lot.