Yes – Odor Neutralization is a Real Thing

Do you have stinky odors in your home? If so, are you confused by all the air freshening and deodorizing products screaming at you from store shelves? It is a common problem we all face at some point. Dealing with stinky orders is bad enough but trying to separate truth from fiction in the household products section of the grocery store only makes it worse.

The point of this post is to lay to rest one of the most debated questions in the air freshening arena: is odor neutralization of real thing? People want to know whether odor neutralization is possible or not. If it is, there is no point in merely masking offensive odors with strong perfumes. If it is not, then our only hope is to find an air freshener that we can live with.

Well, here is the answer: yes, odor neutralization is a real thing. It …