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Keeping Bedbugs Away from Your Home
We all know how pests can be a nightmare, especially bigger ones that we can see running around inside our houses during godly hours and are already difficult to completely exterminate, so just imagine the thought of having tiny bugs conspicuously hidden in your furniture and bed where we all supposedly relax in and we do not even know it. This is commonly what happens in bedbug infestation, as their minute size renders them nearly invisible, and you may not even know you have them already, which is why addressing them can be difficult to start with, especially that they tend to hide in the dark corners once daylight comes.
Their tiny size can easily make them nearly invisible especially if you do not look close enough, as identifying bedbugs will also need a little knowledge and awareness to know what you need to look for. Although most people are unaffected by bedbug bites, those with allergies or are more sensitive to insect bites can suffer from obvious marks left by their bite, commonly on your exposed parts, which are clustered welts that often turn into itchy blisters, with people also varying in reaction and severity of rashes.
People also mostly think that like common pests, bedbugs can only live in untidy places, but the truth is bedbugs can live even in immaculate homes as they only need blood from humans or animals in order to thrive and multiply. Typically, bedbug infestations begin when you have brought in some items that already have bedbugs in it, such as second hand or even new furniture items, or your luggage bags that you have brought home from a hotel or from another home with an existing infestation, and other items like linens, soft toys, and even your clothing that can easily carry the bugs and transfer them around.
By being mindful, first of all, when it comes to taking home items that may carry bedbugs, one can already avoid a possible infestation, so one must always remember to clean these items right away before they are used around the house. Another effective method is by putting such items into a vacuumed up bag and seal it tightly to make sure there will be no air inside for at least a day or two to suffocate them, which you must also do when you have other belongings or items at home that could have bedbugs too.
Equipping yourself with a little knowledge will also help you in the proper detection of bedbugs, especially in terms of the appearance of the bugs (brown, oval, and flat) and the eggs they lay, its hatched shells, including their droppings, which are all also tiny and require a close inspection. If you want to save time and effort, you can always call a reliable professional such as Go Forth Pest Control of Charlotte to handle everything for you and make sure these pests are gone without a trace.