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Do You Know What Causes Bad Breath? What causes bad breath in adults is the one question so many adults would like to know. This Problem for adults can be embarrassing, annoying and very frustrating at times. If not the French race would have died out the day, they discovered garlic. Do you find yourself turning your head away while talking to people and even constantly having to buy chewing gum or mints just too hopefully disguise your smell while talking to people? Only found out that chewing gum does you no good at all it makes it worse believe it or not. You are not on your own almost everyone will suffer from this problem at some stage in their life. Halitosis has more to do with the tongue than with the teeth, there are not many places in the teeth for bacteria to accumulate when compared to the tongue. This bacterium is caused by leftover food in the mouth. They live off food residues and emit sulfurous fumes that are detected by the human nose as halitosis. Odor-carrying bacteria can also get caught in the tongue’s grooves, like with everything else; the best defense is a good offense, oral hygiene notwithstanding. Without good oral hygiene, these food particles will stay in your mouth and make matters worse. Besides causing bad breath, bacteria left in your mouth will turn into plaque, which will cause inflammation of the gums.
The Art of Mastering Wellness
Regular cleaning of the teeth will likely, but not necessarily, removes one of these causes. By brushing you are simply rubbing the bacteria away, and you never get rid of them; to kill the bacteria, you have to know what they are. In fact, the bacteria that live in your tongue and deep within your gums and cheeks are what is known as anaerobic bacteria. Lack of Flossing and Brushing can also be a contributing factor this can cause a build up in the mouth and between the teeth of the food we eat.
The Art of Mastering Wellness
If you have ruled out all of the above and you still have bad breath, it could be a signal of a more serious condition such as infections or wounds brought on by oral surgery, extraction, or another underlying illness. So how do you kill anaerobic bacteria? Certain breath odors are also associated with problems of the glands, acid reflux, metabolic disorders and even diseases like cancer. Young children can sometimes get a foreign object such as a piece of food, which can result in bad breath.