Lessons Learned from Years with Lawyers
Drunk driving is currently the offense of driving or operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or other drugs to the extent that makes the driver incapable of driving safely. One of the leading causes of mortality in most countries is traffic accidents which are mostly caused by drunk driving. Driving under the influence and alcohol-related crashes produce extensive damages annually.
In many countries, police officers carry out field tests of suspects to look for signs of heavy drinking. Other nations have sobriety check points where drivers are checked if they are sober and whether they have valid driving licenses. Anyone who is found guilty of driving while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs can be penalized heavily or is given a prison sentence. In addition, many countries have prevention campaigns to inform people on the the dangers of drunk driving, the potential fines and criminal charges, and encourage drivers to take taxis or public transport home after using alcohol or drugs..
There are two main types of penalties arising from being found guilty of driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. The first type of punishment is administrative and it involves suspending your license while the second type of punishment is under criminal law and it involves fines, parole and imprisonment.
Drinking under the influence of alcohol and other drugs risks both your life and the lives of those you come across while driving.
The other negative effect of alcohol and drugs is that it affects your decision making and this interferes with your judgment, depth perception as well as vital motor skills which are required to drive safely. Alcoholism makes you think that you are driving normally, when you truly are not. Accidents and alcohol related crushes that might happen may make you lose your life, together with the lives of others involved.
Drinking and driving is not more important than your life and thats why you should take a cab to protect yourself as well as others on the roadways when you are drunk.
There are also legal effects of driving under the influence of alcohol and other drugs. When a police officer comes knocking at your driver side window and suspects you of driving under influence, you will be asked to exit your vehicle and move to the side of the road where you will undergo field sobriety testing. Failing these tests will make you undergo charges or even a night in jail.
In most states, there are serious actions to be taken to people that drink under the influence or drink while intoxicated and these violators can be arrested or charged heavily.
Avoiding driving while drunk will prevent you from potential accidents, legal charges or imprisonment and will keep the roadways safe.