What Clogs Your Drains

One of the most common issues that Nanaimo plumbers find with homeowners is clogged drains or toilets that won’t flush. There is nothing more annoying that a sink that suddenly won’t drain, an overflowing toilet or standing ankle deep in water in the shower. While all of these problems are not completely avoidable there are some measures you can take in to keep drains from clogging up. Here are 4 things you may be doing that are causing your clogged drains.

Coffee Grounds, it makes sense that the very texture of coffee grounds flushed down the kitchen sink drain would keep things running smoothly. The truth is that those grounds act like cement and form an impenetrable barrier in your drain. Instead those grounds should be placed in the garbage, added to the compost pile and make excellent fertilizer when spread around the garden

The next thing that will clog …