Victoria BC Asbestos Removal Methods

While there are many homes in Victoria BC that are quite new, one should be aware of Victoria BC asbestos removal methods. This specially hold true for homes built in the 1980s and earlier. Asbestos is a known carcinogenic, and exposure to this substance is hazardous to everyone’s health. For the very young and infirm, inhalation or exposure to asbestos poses a much greater risk.

Asbestos removal methods are manifold. Treatment of existing asbestos depends on where it is located in your home. Since the danger of asbestos was not immediately apparent, a lot of older homes will find asbestos in their floor and ceiling tiles, the roof shingles, roof flashing, sidings, pipe cement, joining compounds. They were also used in seams between panels of sheetrock as well as for insulation around ducts, pipes, sheeting, boilers, and fireplaces.

It’s also important to know the type of asbestos that is in …

Victoria BC Spring Plumbing Checklist

Spring is here at long last!  along with longer days and warmer weather. Time to clean up the yard, think about planting that vegetable garden and annuals. On that growing list of things to take care of is your home’s Victoria plumbing inside and out after the colder winter temperatures.


Before you know it the lawn and plants will need watering so checking on your home’s sprinkler system is a must. Inspect the system for leaks especially if you neglected to blow it out before the cooler weather arrived. Remember to check all your sprinkler heads for any damage that may have happened. Cleaning gutters and downspouts and followed by a visual inspection for any damage from rain, wind and snow. Patio drains need to be cleared of leaves or debris deposited there to let water flow freely. If you wrapped pipes or outside faucets to protect them from …