6 Signs of Pest Infestation You Should Check While House-Hunting

Pest or not, buying a house can be quite stressful. Lawn size, a leaky roof, frozen water lines are only some of the many things you need to check before you can say yes to the deal. And frankly, these are also easy to spot. The moment you enter a property, most of these issues look right into your face and are simple enough to detect and resolve.

However, most buyers ignore one of the biggest issues while house-hunting – pests! Ironically, while you can easily repair a loose floorboard or two, it is a task to rid the house of pesky little rodents or termites!

So, if you are in the market for a new house, read more to find out the top 6 (obscure) signs of a pest infestation that you should add to your house-check list.

House Check Essentials for Pest Infestations

  • Obvious Signs of Active Pests