News For This Month: Resources

Ideas When You Seek To Keep Your Dog Safe From Fleas And Ticks

When you own any pet, it is your responsibility to ensure that your pet is safe and healthy by limiting infestation by pests since the pets are part of our family. Different parasites usually infest dogs, but fleas are the most common external parasites and apart from infesting your dog, fleas also infest human beings. Ticks may not be as popular as the fleas as part of pests which infest dogs, but they may turn to be dangerous to your dog and your family as well. They have been known to transmit different diseases such as Lyme and fever thus the need to put in place measures to control their infestation. Both the fleas and the ticks will thrive at areas which enjoy high humidity of over 50% and also high temperatures and are common during the spring season.

It is very easy for any pet owner to diagnose when they pet is infested with fleas as the dog will tend to keep scratching. Another way of detecting when your dog has been infested by fleas is by checking their skin to identify any spots which look like grains on the skin of your pet as the black and white grains are actually eggs of the fleas. It is also not difficult for any homeowner to diagnose that their pet has been infested by ticks as they will be able to spot them on the dog’s skin. When you seek to limit tick’s infestation, you need to use tweezers as they are helpful in removing the ticks, and thus they will give you a closer grasp. After one has removed the ticks, they can also clean the bitten area using an effective antiseptic. Although a dog will only react by scratching when they are infested with fleas, there are other effects such bacterial infections and anemia especially to small puppies. One thus needs to do whatever they can to ensure that they keep their dog flea-free and the ideal time to treat your dog is when the spring season, when the dogs are likely to be infested with fleas, starts.

There is the need to note that when flea problem exists in your home, it may prove to be unhelpful to treat your dog alone. When treating your pet against flea infestation, ensure that you also treat the carpet, the yards, your dog’s bedding and also your car to effectively limit infestation. One also needs to treat other pets they have at home as it will help remove fleas in all the stages of their life cycle. Fortunately, it is easy to diagnose fleas and ticks infestation, and you can also depend on the treatments, such as Advecta, to limit the pests troubling your pet.

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