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How to Remove Hard Inquiries from Your Credit Report

All credit reports have at the bottom of a section known as the credit inquiries. The inquiries are made various companies who may have wanted to know whether they can give you a loan or a credit card. Calculation of your credit score, the length of time between inquiries is usually considered.

Having too many inquiries in your credit report may be an indication that you are desperate for money and that may indicate financial trouble. The question then that could be hanging in your mind right now is how then can you remove or get rid of the inquiries. Because some of the inquiries are done without your permission, the first thing you can do is to request a copy of your credit report. That will enable you to review all the items listing in the credit inquiries location. You will be in a position to look at all the items that are appearing on the credit inquiries segment.

You will need to look at the items one by one, and there are any of the inquiries that you have not authorized, you need to dispute it. You should make sure such items are removed from your report. You have two options that you can use to do that. One of the options is to decide to deal with the issue yourself. You need to start by getting all the addresses of those who inquired on your report without you permitting them.

The other thing you need to do is to send a letter to those creditors through the mail and keep in your record a copy of what you have sent them. In that letter, you should state that you did not authorize the inquiry and you want it removed immediately. If you realize there are other items on your credit report that need to be removed; you may require the expertise of a credit repair company.

The best thing about a credit repair company is that you will not have to keep calling the creditors so that they can remove the inquiries. When you are choosing the credit repair company to handle your report you need to ensure that you have a reputable company. Your credit score report is as important as your health.

Just the way you cannot trust your health with someone who you do not know about their expertise, in the same way, you cannot trust just anyone with the state of credit score report. That means that you have to think about training, experience, and reputation of the company you choose to handle your credit score report. You, therefore, have to choose wisely.

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