Metering Options Available in the Open Electricity Market

Singapore’s Open Electricity Market (OEM) is a change maker in the nation’s energy market liberalisation efforts. Consumers, who previously bought electricity from the SP Group at regulated tariff, are now entitled to the choice of buying electricity from any retailer that suits them. This flexibility will be extended to all geographical zones in Singapore by May 1, 2019.

If you plan to switch to another retailer, it is wise to learn about the metering options which monitors your electricity consumption pattern and load.

How do Meters Differ?

There are two types of electricity meters available in Singapore.

SLRP (Static Residential Load Profile) cumulative meters and AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) smart meters. These meters differ in the reading time, that is, how frequently they are read. While the former is already a common fixture in most residential premises, the latter is a relatively new concept that has not seen widespread adoption before the commencement …